Summer Series Tournaments are administered and run by the facilities (employees and volunteers) where they are played. Each host facility has received a document of best practices in an attempt to provide consistency for quality of competition. 
OGA Junior Golf facilitates player registration and pairings, and then provides that information to the facility's staff in advance of the event.
To register for events, players must create an event profile.
Never created an event profile? Click here for an instructional PDF to help you through the process.
Event Fee: $45 Members / $65 Non-Members (9-hole Divisions: $25 Members / $45 Non-Members)
Eligibility: Must be an amateur between the ages of 8-18 on the day of the tournament.
Format: It's an 18-hole stroke play gross competition. Pee Wee divisions will play a 9-hole stroke play gross competition.
Girls Divisions: Girls (8-9), Girls (10-11), Girls (12-14), Girls (15-18)
Boys Divisions: Boys (8-9), Boys (10-11), Boys (12-13), Boys (14-15) and Boys (16-18)
** There are no "Open" Divisions at Summer Series Tournaments
Fee Details: With the entry fee, your golfer will receive the following:
One round of golf
Awards to the top three in each division
Champions in each division will receive an Invitation to Charlotte's Tournament of Champions
Withdraw/Refund Policy: Until the closing deadline, you may cancel/withdraw your entry without penalty. However, after the closing deadline, no refunds will be available except in the case of a medical condition or family emergency, where a $5 administrative fee will apply.
Registration: If you have any questions, or need help in registering for a tournament, call the OGA office at 503-981-4653, or email juniorgolf@oga.org.