Member Benefit: Bonus Magazine Subscriptions | Oregon Golf Association

Member Benefit: Bonus Magazine Subscriptions

Included with OGA Membership is a one-year subscription to Golf Digest Magazine (a $15 value​). Additionally, members will also receive Pacific Northwest Golfer Magazine, a quarterly publication. These are delivered directly to OGA Members who have an up-to-date mailing address in their GHIN profiles. 

Note: It can take six-to-eight weeks from your membership signup date for your Golf Digest Magazine subscription to take effect. Members will receive a one year bonus subscription.


Making Changes to Your Subscription: With the bonus subscription to Golf Digest, only the individual subscriber can make changes to mailing address, number of copies, etc. Each magazine mailing label includes a unique 10 digit account number that is needed to amend the account.

If you are an OGA Member who would like to reduce the number of copies delivered to your household (likely because multiple family members are OGA Members), follow the easy instructions available at the link above. Those instructions are also applicable to members who recently moved or would like to change to a preferred mailing address.

If you were already paying for a subscription to Golf Digest prior to becoming an OGA Member, you may be eligible for a rebate. Click Here for Offer and Refund Details.



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